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For students of Evrytanian extraction or children of members of the Association residing in the United States or Canada and intending to attend American or Canadian Universities or Colleges and who have been or whose parents have been members in good standing of the Association for at least three (3) years prior to application for a scholarship, including the year in which the Application is submitted.

2025-2026 Scholarship Application Below!
ALL information is required to be completed and mailed postmarked by May 1, 2025.  Applications postmarked after May 1, 2025 will not be considered for Scholarship.

Scholarship Application 


Apply for a Scholarship by downloading the application.

Past Scholarship


View Past Scholarship Recipients

Επενδύστε στην Εκπαίδευση των Νέων μας με 

Υποτροφίες που Φέρουν το Όνομά σας

Η  Ένωση Ευρυτάνων Αμερικής προσφέρει πάνω από $50.000 σε υποτροφίες ετησίως στην Αμερική και Ελλάδα. Όμως, λόγω του αστρονομικού κόστους των διδάκτρων και του μεγάλου αριθμού αιτήσεων που λαμβάνουμε, απευθύνουμε έκκληση προς όλα τα μέλη και φίλους της Ένωσης να συμβάλουν 

στη θεάρεστη αυτή προσπάθειά μας. 


Μπορείτε κι εσείς να προσφέρετε τη δική σας υποτροφία που θα φέρει το όνομά σας, το όνομα αγαπημένων σας προσώπων ή της επιχείρησής σας. Βοηθήστε κορυφαίους αριστούχους και αδύναμους οικονομικά Ευρυτάνες φοιτητές, στην Αμερική και Ελλάδα, να πραγματοποιήσουν τα εκπαιδευτικά τους οράματα. 

Οι υποτροφίες αυτές μπορούν να συνδυαστούν κάλλιστα και με τις αξιόλογες υποτροφίες που προσφέρει ο εκπαιδευτικός οργανισμός του καθηγητή και προέδρου της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας «ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ», Δρα Ηλία Τομάζου, και να χρησιμοποιηθούν για αναγνωρισμένες σπουδές και credits των φοιτητών μας σε ελληνικά πανεπιστήμια στην Ελλάδα. 

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας: Tel: (704) 366-6571

Our 2021 Scholarship Recipients are appreciative and thankful for your generous named scholarships.
Our Association expresses its warmest thanks and heartfelt congratulations to its members and friends for their generous Named Scholarships offered
this year to Evrytanian students in America.
Hope that this act will find other imitators.


National Velouchi          20,000.00
Evrytanian Foundation (2X$2000)          4,000.00
Daughters of Evrytania (2X$1500)          3,000.00
Mrs. Laura Nixon (Men’s National)          2,000.00
P & V Dimos (Daugters of Evrytania)          1,500.00
Mr. & Mrs. James Chulkas (Daugters of Evrytania) 1,500,00
Mr. & Mrs. James Chulkas (Men’s National)          1,500,00
Knoxville Velouchi Chapter #7 (Men’s National)          1,000.00
Mr. Dimitrios Paliouras (Men’s National, Yearly)          1,000.00
Mr. Gregory Zaharopoulos (Men’s National)          500.00

Το Βελούχι εκφράζει τις θερμότατες ευχαριστίες και τα εγκάρδια συγχαρητήρια στα μέλη και φίλους του για τις φετινές γενναιόδωρες ονομαστικές προσφορές υποτροφιών προς τους εν Αμερική Ευρυτάνες φοιτητές. Ευχόμαστε η πράξη τους αυτή να βρει κι άλλους μιμητές.

StaEllinika: The New Online Platform for Diaspora Greek Language Education

​The Alexandra Angelis Scholarship

​We want to express our gratitude for the opportunity given our association, through Mr. & Mrs. Nick and Victoria Angelis generosity to honor the memory of their daughter Alexandra, by awarding $1000 annual Scholarship to a deserving high school graduate in Evrytania. The scholarship will be named "The Alexandra Angelis Scholarship", and it will be awarded at the same time we present our annual "Velouchi" scholarships in Karpenissi. It is the generosity of people like Angelis family, who express their love in such a beautiful manner that enriches our organization.

The Sotirios Karanikas Scholarship

Heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Sotirios Karanikas for his outstanding academic and professional achievements.  We are thankful for his generous Named Scholarship donation of $2000, an awesome example for other past Velouchi scholarship recipients to follow.  
Sotirios Karanikas, the son of Demetrios and Anastasia Karanikas, is of Evrytanian descent from the village of Chryso.  From 2004-2008 Sotirios attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and was many times awarded a scholarship from the Evrytanian Association to help him in his academic endeavors.  After having completed his education at MIT with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and a B.S. in Management Science in 2008, he joined Bank of America Merrill Lynch as a derivatives trader. For years he promised to himself  that he would one day come back and help pass down the support that was given to him to another generation looking to study in the USA.  March 2018 was that time he decided to make a $2,000 donation to the Velouchi‟s Scholarship Fund to help GreekAmerican students of Evrytanian descent pursue their higher education in the United States.  Sotirios is a great Role Model for all of us at the Evrytanian Association. There are not enough words or ways to express how grateful we are to Sotirios. His life is a wonderful example of partnership and collaboration seeking common goals, an example for others to follow. 



Invest in the education of our Evrytanian Youth!


OFFER a MERIT & NEED-BASED SCHOLARSHIP BEARING YOUR NAME, and assist Evrytanian high school graduates and university students in pursuing their academic dreams and leadership endeavors. Since 1978, hundreds of Evrytanian students have received scholarship aid totaling over $1.1 million.


The Evrytanian Association of America invites Velouchi members, and its hundreds of scholarship recipients to take this challenge, an initiative to raise additional financial aid for a well deserving student in America or Greece. 

If you are a previous Velouchi Scholarship Recipient, we all want to know how your scholarship from Velouchi affected your education, helped realize your educational dreams and impacted your professional career.




Write a letter and make a check NOW payable to "Evrytanian Association", and mail it to: 

Evrytanian Association of America

121 Greenwich RD. Suite #212, Charlotte, NC, 28211.

In the memo, write “Velouchi Naming Scholarship”.

You will receive an official thank you letter as well as a complimentary invitation to join us at our Annual Convention Grand Banquet and Scholarship Awards Ceremony.


Επενδύστε στη Νεολαία μας με Υποτροφίες που Φέρουν το Όνομά σας!

Η  Ένωση Ευρυτάνων Αμερικής προσφέρει πάνω από $50.000 σε υποτροφίες ετησίως στην Αμερική και Ελλάδα. Όμως, λόγω του αστρονομικού κόστους των διδάκτρων και του μεγάλου αριθμού αιτήσεων που λαμβάνουμε, απευθύνουμε έκκληση προς όλα τα μέλη και φίλους της Ένωσης να συμβάλλουν στη θεάρεστη αυτή προσπάθειά μας. Μπορείτε κι εσείς να προσφέρετε τη δική σας υποτροφία που θα φέρει το όνομά σας, το όνομα αγαπημένων σας προσώπων ή της επιχείρησής σας. Βοηθήστε κορυφαίους αριστούχους και αδύναμους οικονομικά Ευρυτάνες φοιτητές, στην Αμερική και Ελλάδα, να πραγματοποιήσουν τα εκπαιδευτικά τους οράματα.


The Velouchi Youth Committee is dedicated to assisting our Velouchi students find scholarships to help them in furthering their academic studies. It has researched several organizations that offer scholarships to college age students of Greek descent based on both merit and financial need. Please look into these scholarships and the sponsoring organi-zations to take advantage of all possible financial assistance.



Website Links * *  



Scholarships for Students of Greek Descent

The Velouchi Youth Committee is dedicated to assisting our Velouchi students find scholarships to help them in furthering their academic studies. It has researched several organizations that offer scholarships to college age students of Greek descent based on both merit and financial need. Please look into these scholarships and the sponsoring organi-zations to take advantage of all possible financial assistance. 


Additional Links 

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