Humanitarian Relief for Evrytania
A plea to all Velouchi Members and Friends
This plea went out to all our members in a separate letter a month ago to please consider our many blessings and to send in your donation to fill up again the two “Pantopoleia” (Food Banks) of the Municipalities of Karpenisi and Agrafa and help our fellow brothers and sisters in need. Please make out your check to the Evrytanian Association, marked “Humanitarian Relief for Evrytania" and mail it in the enclosed envelope we sent you.
All donors’ names will be published in our January-March issue.
Έκκληση προς Όλα τα Μέλη και Φίλους
Κάνουμε και πάλι σήμερα έκκληση μέσω του περιοδικού μας προς όλα τα μέλη μας και σας παρακαλούμε να βοηθήσετε με τις δωρεές σας για να συνεχίσουμε τον εφοδιασμό των δυο Παντοπωλείων που έχουν δημιουργηθεί στους Δήμους Αγράφων και Καρπενησίου, έτσι ώστε με την αλλυλεγγύη μας να συμβάλουμε κι εμείς στην ανακούφιση των οικογενειών εκείνων που έχει κτυπήσει η μεγάλη οικονομική κρίση. Γράψτε την επιταγή σας στην Ένωσή μας “Evrytanian Association” με την ένδειξη "Humanitarian Relief for Evrytania"
και στείλτε την στα Κεντρικά μας Γραφεία.

We need additional contributions to support and increase the number of children serviced. It is a special honor to donate to this outstanding program that has given our Association recognition for our caring philanthropy. You may send in any amount you wish, but for $1500/year you may “adopt” a specific child for a whole year.
Phone: 704-366-6571
Children With Special Needs Committee
Tom Nixon (Chair) * Tasos Hasapis (Vice-Chair)
George Dais * John Poulos
Thank you for your past generous donations, we ask for your support to continue this outstanding program. We hope this year’s plea will again touch your most philanthropic and Christian emotions.
The Welfare Department of Evrytania and the Representative Committee of our Association in Greece, specifically Mr. Pantelis Vlahos, select which children qualify to be in this program.
At this time, we are only able to support 10 Children with Special Needs. With your generous donations and support, we can increase the number of children supported.
Children who Qualify for the Special Needs Program
are in a family receiving welfare
are under 18 years of age
have chronic physical or mental disability that requires medical and family attention, and full-time care